Anti Bullying Fortnight

During Anti Bullying Fortnight in November we did lots of great activites. We learned poems and songs about bullying, we learned how to deal with bullying when we see it happening, we made posters for bullying awareness and we practised meditation and yoga so we can calm ourselves down and manage our emotions. We also finished off the fortnight with a Crazy Hair Day.


SESE- History, Geography and Science

In History this term we worked on lots of strands like stories and games in the past. We looked at differences and similarities between games we play now and games our parents or grandparents might have played. We learned to play different card games. We completed a project in Geography. We researched and presented what life is like for children in other places. We saw some fantastic projects about Poland, Pakistan, Japan and many more!
One of the science experiments we completed in Term 1 was to investigate if plants need light to grow. 


Term 1 in 2nd class 2

In term 1 our Genius Gems, Masterminds, Superstars and Clever Cookies settled in well to life in 2nd class. They have been working super hard and I am so proud of their efforts so far this year!

Welcome to the 2nd class 2 page!

Stay tuned for lots of detail about what we have been learning about in 2nd class. We can't wait to show you all our work!

Welcome back 

We are looking forward to a new year of learning and fun. We hope you all enjoy the new school year and we will do our best to support and help you.